Undermountain Deck

Created by Andrew Hall

[email protected]

This deck, titled, Undermountain, is based on the Rule Card, Undermountain (FRc 24/25). While there are not a lot of Forgotten Realms monster champions.. atleast, not to many good ones, the point of this deck is not to have good champions, but ones that you are willing to lose. Well, I came up with a lot of them.. :) The strategy behind this deck is to lose your champions and force on other players champions discarded as well. Because, any reason any of your Forgotten relams monsters are discarded, one opponent has to discard on non monster champion as well. it is a good way to weed out the good champions of the other player.. :) And, because most of these champions are "not the best" you will not have to worry about other people using them in thier decks, and because they are all monsters, you will never be affected by the rule card yourself!

Ally 12/55

    4th/210 Myrmidons (+4)
When the Myrmidons are discarded, their player shuffles all discards back into his draw pile.
    4th/230 Athasian Sloth (+8)
When played in battle, the opposing player must immediately discard two cards from his hand.
    4th/233 Mararuder (+3)
This ally can be discarded at any time to negate a secondary event (one that is played immediately after another event), such as Calm following Cataclysm.
    4th/246 The Dreaded Ghost (+9)
Undead. This ally drains the adjusted level of an opposing champion (except cleric) by 9; any that drop below 0 are instantly defeated.
    4th/250 Selkie (+3)
Swimmer. The selkie can charm the opposing champion into discarding one card in its force (chosen by that player).
    4th/512 Barbaric Allies (+7)
These allies can be played in combat regardless of cards that prohibit allies from being played. If played during a successful defense of a realm, one of the attacker's realms is razed (chosen by the attacker).
    DRc/13 Chimera (+9)
Flyer. When played in combat, the Chimera uses its fiery breath to blast away one card in the opposing champion's force (excluding the champion).
    DU/048 Lurker in the Earth (+9)
Underdark; earthwalker. The Lurker can be played at any time as a harmful event to burrow over to a player's pool and devour (discard) any earthwalking champion of level 6 or less or it can be played in combat to discard one opposing ally already played.
    DU/051 The White Weird (+7)
Underdark; flyer. The White Weird can be played at any time as a harmful event to fly over to a player's formation and poison (discard) one holding or it can be played in combat to halve (round down) an opposing champion's adjusted level.
    DU/053 Master Illithid (+7)
Underdark. When played, this ally can shift any two cards of one type in the opposing player's force to this side. Choice need not be immediate.
    DUc/23 Giant Troll (+10)
Giant. This ally regenerates and remains in play for an entire attack on a realm; it is discarded only after the realm is razed or the attack discontinued.
    RRc/01 The Dream Team (+10)
Playing this ally during a round of battle discards all other allies in play. Further allies played by opponents cannot use their special powers.

Artifact 5/10

    1st/409 Ren's Bell of Death, (FR/+3)
Allies of level 4 or higher cannot be used against the champion who carries Ren's Bell of Death.
    4th/520 The Winner's Cape, (AD&D/+10)
This mighty artifact is the Grand Prize in the 1996 World Championship at the GenCon Game Fair. All of this player's champions are immune to offensive spells (including Wish) and the attached is also immune to harmful events. This artifact can be used by any champion.
    AR/010 All-Knowing Eye of Yasmin Sira, (FR)
The attached champion is immune to offensive spells and once per battle can cast a +5 spell (Def/4). Once per turn, the player can examine one opponent's hand.
    DUc/11 Recorder of Ye'Cind, (AD&D/+3)
Usable by any champion. At any time, this player may look at any cards which are in play face down. Once per turn, this player may randomly pull half the cards from any player's hand and look at them.
    NS/054 Herald of Mei Lung, (FR)
This player is immune to all cards that force cards to be discarded from his hand and to all cards that examine his draw pile and discard or rearrange cards found there.

Dungeon 1/1

    DU/005 Undermountain, (FR)
Each time this player is entitled to draw spoils of victory, he may also take the bottom three cards of his draw pile. Any monster champions there may be placed into his pool. Any other cards are placed on the top of his draw pile.

Event 6/10

    1st/400 Calm
This magical calm undoes the harmful effect of an event, but only for the player of this card.
    1st/401 Discovery of Spellfire
The user can examine all other player's hands and discard one card from each.
    4th/119 Cataclysm!
Destroys one realm of the player's choice; that realm is discarded. (Harmful)
    4th/120 Good Fortune
The player of this event draws five cards immediately. (Helpful)
    4th/131 The Caravan
Play only between two player's turns. The player of this event can take a turn immediately. Afterward, play continues where it left off. (Helpful)
    4th/137 Deflection
This player can deflect a harmful event affecting only him onto any other player. (Helpful)

Magical Item 6/12

    1st/412 Scroll of 7 Leagues (+7)
The possessor of this scroll (and allies) can attack any realm without flying. (Def)
    DU/072 Amulet of Spell Turning (+3)
Whenever an offensive spell is cast at the attached champion or his pool, this player cuts his draw pile and checks the last digit of the card number of the card revealed. If it is 0-7, the spell is turned back at the caster. On an 8 or 9, the spell takes effect normally. (Def)
    FRc/17 Wyrm of Earthwalking (+5)
The attached champion and all allies have the earthwalking ability, allowing them to attack any realm. (Def)
    FRc/18 Bell of Might
This item can duplicate another player's event card for this player. (This player's use is secondary.) The bell cannot be used again until this player's next turn. (Def)
    NSc/11 Bag of Beans
During phase 3 you may cut your draw pile and take the card you cut to. If it is a realm, discard it immediately. Any other type of card may be held, put in the pool, or played as desired. (Def)
    RRc/10 Horn of Change
Can only be attached to monsters. Once per round of battle this item forces an opponent to discard a just-played card and replace it with another. If he cannot legally play another card, he automatically loses the battle. (Off)

Monster 14/20

    1st/408 Living Scroll, (FR/0)
The Living Scroll defeats a hero or cleric automatically. But it is automatically defeated by a wizard or monster.
    4th/262 Pereghost, (FR/7)
Flyer. Allies played with this champion each gain 2 levels. The pereghost can use unarmed combat cards usable by dragons.
    4th/263 Dracolich, (FR/6)
Dragon; undead; flyer. The dracolich can cast wizard spells and use unarmed combat cards usable by dragons.
    4th/264 Stone Giant, (FR/6)
If in a player's pool, the stone giant may destroy one enemy ally of level 4 or less during each round of combat.
    4th/321 Roper, (FR/9)
Underdark. Only offensive spells and magical items that have the word "fire" in their title have any effect on this monster. It is immune to psionic attack.
    DR/034 Rauglothgor, (FR/7)
Dragon; undead. Rauglothgor can cast wizard spells and is immune to offensive spells. His total level is doubled if defending Rauglothgor's Lair.
    FR/081 Storm Giant, (FR/7)
When the storm giant is used in combat, no opposing champion or ally can fly.
    FR/083 Werewolf, (FR/4)
Any champion who defeats the werewolf must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit of its number. If that digit is 4 or less, the champion contracts lycanthropy and is discarded.
    NS/066 Crawling Claws, (FR/1)
Undead. Immune to offensive spells and psionic power cards. Crawling Claws gain 1 base level for every champion in this player's pool.
    PO/057 Locathah Champion, (FR/4)
Swimmer. All opposing allies lose their special powers.
    PO/058 Living Wall, (FR/10)
This monster absorbs (discards) all champions and allies of level 6 and higher. It is immune to artifacts and offensive spells and magical items. Champions, offensive psionic powers, and allies must be level 5 or less to attack it.
    PO/059 Tako, (FR/6)
Swimmer. In combat, the Tako multiplies its level times the level of its lowest ally.
    PO/061 Skriaxit, Composite Elemental, (FR/8)
Earth-walker. In battle, Skriaxit forces the opposing champion and all his allies to fight at half their normal levels (round down).
    PO/063 Grippli, (FR/3)
Swimmer. The Grippli can use any magical item, with its highest level bonus.

Realm 10/15

    1st/123 The Great Kingdom, (GH)
No undead can attack the Great Kingdom. The player's maximum hand increases by two.
    4th/001 Menzoberranzan, (FR)
Menzoberranzan can be played at any time. The realm is immune to flyers.
    4th/006 Damara, (FR)
Doubles the level of a defending Forgotten Realms champion as he is sent forward; cards subsequently played are not doubled.
    4th/010 The Coral Kingdom, (FR)
The Coral Kingdom can be attacked only by swimmers.
    4th/017 Temple of Elemental Evil, (GH)
Draw three cards immediately when the Temple is played.
    4th/028 Tyr, (DS/5)
Tyr's player draws one extra card per turn. This realm can defend itself as a level 5 hero.
    4th/040 Realm of the White Witch, (BR)
Monsters and wizards gain 3 levels when defending this realm. This player's champions are immune to the phase 0 special powers of realms.
    4th/050 Cariele, (BR)
Run by the guilds of the North to make a profit, Cariele increase this player's maximum hand size by three.
    DU/031 Border Garrison, (GH/10)
This realm can defend itself as a level 10 wizard. Regardless of where it is in the formation, it must be attacked first.
    RR/008 Tomb of Horrors, (AD&D)
Cannot be attacked by flyers. Defending monsters are immune to offensive spells and the special powers of avatars.

Rule 1/3

    FRc/24 The Lure of Undermountain, (FR)
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any other rule card is played. Every time a Forgotten Realms monster champion is discarded, its owner may force another player to choose one nonmonster champion, of any world, from that player's hand or pool to be discarded.

Thief Ability 1/55

    DUc/03 Fighting Dirty! (+?)
Usable by any champion. Opposing player draws and discards a card, noting its last digit. The opposing player must immediately discard that many cards from his hand. (Off/4)